May 20, 2012
The guy guarding our hotel is a maasai. I tried to smile at him but he kept staring with a serious face. They must be true strong warriors.
I’m in Moshi, the town closer to the Kilimanjaro and capital of the production of coffee. It took me 9 hours by bus from Dar Es Salaam to get here, on a road full of holes and in a terrible heat. Despite this I was able to sleep the full 8 hours. I just woke up from time to time when the bus slowed down while arriving at a village.
Among the palm trees you can see tiny brick houses with plate roofs, or huts made with mud and straw. In the middle of every village there’s a canopy of palm leeves that must be a place where people meet and relax, because I saw people cooking and eating, chatting and playing pool.
Pool must be the biggest hobby in this country. Yesterday at Coco Beach there was a tournament with a large audience and there’s a pool table also at the café of this small hotel. It’s a nice place where I am staying. Rooms are pretty and clean and there’s a terrace with a café with a couple of guys playing pool. I’ve been here for one hour, but only with sunset the clouds went away and I was able to see the Kili right in front of me.