Bolsena Infiorata

Bolsena Infiorata



Corpus christi

Bolsena, a medieval village on the shore of a lake with the same name, on the day of the Corpus Christi becomes even more beautiful with the Infiorata.

Bolsena, castello

The infiorata is an exhibition of drawings made with flowers, seeds, leaves and peat along the streets of the town.

(Bolsena is also famous for the hydrangeas, there are plenty around town and there’s even a festival a couple of weeks before the infiorata, dedicated expressely to this flower) 

Unfortunately in 2020 and 2021 the event was canceled due to Covid, but now it’s back in full swing and in 2023 it’s due in June 11, day of the Corpus Christi.

I was in Bolsena during the Infiorata in 2019 and I took loads of pictures, that I obviously would like to share. 

Infiorata Bolsena

but first, a bit of history…

In 1263 AD in Bolsena during Mass a consecrated host started to bleed, as if it was flesh. This miracle was considered proof that the body of Christ is in fact in the Eucharist.

So the following year Pope Urban IV established the feast of Corpus Christi, that previously was only celebrated in Belgium.

From that date, during the Corpus Christi the Eucharist is exhibited and carried around the towns.

In Bolsena the procession is particularly important because with the Blessed Sacrament there’s also a “Sacred Stone” that is taken around, the stone where the blood dropped. 

Moreover, since 1995 the celebration got even bigger with the Infiorata.

Getting ready

Una signora separa i fiori che verranno usati per l'infiorata a Bolsena
bolsena infiorata
Works for the Infiorata start a few days before the Sunday on which the procession will take place.
Alcune signore preparano i petali di fiori per l'infiorata
Along the streets of Bolsena you can meet groups of women that separate petals from the flowers, the main material used in the Infiorata.
bolsena infiorata

The Infiorata and procession are held on a Sunday, but some groups start to draw on Saturday night, because it’s very hot during the day and it’s more difficult to work in the sun. 

bolsena infiorata
bolsena infiorata
bolsena infiorata
bolsena infiorata
bolsena infiorata
Creating the drawings is a team work, everybody is busy, from the youngest to the elderly. It’s a nice party of the town that involves everyone.
bolsena infiorata
infiorata bolsena
bolsena infiorata

On Sunday works start early in the morning  and continue without break.

bolsena infiorata
bolsena infiorata
bolsena infiorata
preparazione dei fiori per l'infiorata
bolsena infiorata
bolsena infiorata
infiorata bolsena




infiorata bolsena
signore bagna i fiori infiorata bolsena
Flowers are kept wet throughout the day, so that they stay fresh and they don’t fly away.
infiorata bolsena

Here are two galleries of images (click on the arrows to see all the pictures) 

Many drawings represent religious images, but there’s more. 

The procession

At 4 pm starts the procession during which Eucharist and Sacred Stone are carried around the town of Bolsena, followed by representatives of the town, of the Church and of the communities. 

infiorata bolsena
bolsena infiorata
bolsena infiorata
The procession follows the drawings on the streets. Only the priest carrying the Sacred Stone can walk on the flowers, the others must walk on the side.
bolsena infiorata
infiorata bolsena al rione Castello

Once the procession is finished you can walk on the drawings. If you are strong enough. 

Personally I didn’t feel like ruining these works of art that took days to prepare, just an hour after they were finished.   

bolsena infiorata
santa caterina

Another gallery. I took so many pictures, and the drawings were all so special, it would a shame not to share them all. 

I was impressed by the quality of the drawings made with products found in nature 

and there are actually many people involved in the making of the Infiorata, with great care and attention

truly beautiful

It’s Going to be Perfect!

vieni con me!

Hiking between Marana and Montefalcone

Hiking between Marana and Montefalcone

Hiking between

Marana and Montefalcone

among clouds and nature

Last Sunday I went hiking with my brother on the mountains not far from home.

Wanted to go to Cima Marana how we often do during the year, but instead of taking one of the most common paths, those starting from Contrada Gebbani (or Castagna) and going up directly to Cima Marana, we chose Sentiero 203, that from Gebbani goes to Malga Casoline and ends at the dirty road that goes from Piatta di Montefalcone.

The sentiero 203

Taking the path that starts between the Gebbani and Castagna contrade that goes directly up to Cima Marana (the path we call “of the ridge”), not far from the departure point there’s fork: to the left you go to the Marana peak, to the right you go to Malga Casoline, that is Path no. 203.

Here we were close to Malga Casoline, at about one hour from departure.

The 203 is longer and a bit harder than the other paths that go to Cima Marana, but it’s almost entirely in the shade and it crosses a beautiful forest.

Passo della Porta

After about 2 hours of hiking (consider that I’m not very fit), we got to Passo della Porta, along the dirty road that connects Campodavanti to Montefalcone.

Instead of walking on the road to go to Montefalcone, we decided to walk on the ridge.

But on the other side of the mountain there was quite some fog, adn we could see nothing.

The view from up there is amazing.

I know because I took the same path one year ago, in a nice sunny day.

That is why I am showing you here the pictures I too one year ago.

The ridge one year ago

You can see the Carega peak and Rifugio Fraccaroli from up there, if it’s not foggy or raining.

Towards Montefalcone

It might have been foggy, but I managed to find some pretty cute things that deserved a photograph.

And finally, the Rifugio Montefalcone

It took us more than half an hour to get to the lodge from Passo della Porta, partly because I was starting to feel tired and the ridge has some pretty hard climbs, partly because I was taking pictures on the way.

Lunch at Rifugio Montefalcone with minestrone soup and red fruits strudel 🙂

Towards Cima Marana

After a short siesta we left for Cima Marana.

Again, beautiful landscape and nature, despite the fog.

what about these roots???

Cima Marana is one of the southernmost peaks of the Dolomites, and one of the lowest.

At 1554 meters above sea level, it has a special view of the Chiampo and Agno valleys and you can even see the Garda Lake and Venice Lagoon on bright clear days.

It’s a shame there’s always someone who leaves some garbage behind.

I collected 5 cigarette butts, only around the cross of Cima Marana.


The descent towards the Gebbani was a bit hard for me, I was feeling more and more tired and my knees were starting to ache.

The itinerary

but I love this itinerary so much, I’m looking forward to the next time!

It’s Going to be Perfect!

vieni con me!